Needs for improved seam quality to support diversified materials are continually increasing. The feed-off-the-arm double chainstitch machine, the MS-1190 and -1261 Series, has been developed in thorough pursuit of the “stitching” of double chainstitches to achieve a low-tension sewing capability! The machine promises the production of beautiful and even stitches free from puckering, stitch skipping and uneven material feed. The machine supports a broader range of materials from extra light-weight materials such as silk and georgette to extra heavy-weight ones such as 14.5 oz denim jeans. The machine is an excellent model which makes the best out of double chainstitching for the high-grade manufacturing of apparel products with increased production efficiency.
MS-1190 Series Feed-off-the-arm, 2-neeele Double Chainstitch Machine The machine achieves beautifullyfinished seam while preventing puckering and stitch skipping. MS-1190 (for light-weight materials) MS-1190M (for medium-weight materials) Low-tension stitching ability and improved stitching mechanism prevents puckering. Both needle thread tension and bobbin thread tension have been decreased after reinvestigation of the double chainstitching mechanism. Furthermore, the stitch dial, gauges and looper have been dramatically improved, thereby forming beautifully finished seams and preventing puckering. The machine prevents stitch skipping even when it runs at high speed, ensuring high-quality products. With its low-tension sewing capability and the best-suited timing among the needle, looper and feed, the machine forms even stitches with consistency at all times. The machine also prevents stitch skipping at a high speed to help promote high-grade manufacuring.